Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hey people! Jess again!! It is Wednesday today and we had a blast! Nothing really new happened today. We arrived at our job site today, without getting lost! (we have been having navigation problems, but we did great today!) My team has still been putting up SheetRock, and today we managed to put up 34 new sheets onto the walls and ceilings. We were amazed at how much we got done! God gave us that perseverance! We stopped for lunch with the other half of our team. We were able to go to a little shack that sold PoBoys, the native sandwich of the people down here. It took us an hour, waiting for our sandwiches. But we felt that God had a plan for the time that we spent waiting. We were able to talk to about three men who had their own experiences from Katrina. It was very interesting to hear what had happened to them. We even were able to give one man, who we believe to be homeless, a sandwich that we bought. We also were able to pray for him, and he seemed to appreciate it. What a blessing to us to be able to experience that! After lunch, we went back to work, once again. The other team was able to take a trip before supper at Trinity to go to the 9th Ward, which was hit severely by Katrina. They said that it really moved them to see all the damage that was done. My mom and Sherrie were able to talk to a lady who shared her story with them. She told them that she floated on an air mattress with her daughter, son, and niece, on their way to the Superdome. They were scared to swim in the water because (A) it was dark outside because she had to use a flashlight, and (B) she was nervous that there were crocidiles or alligators or some other creature in the water that may hurt them. My heart broke when I heard that story! She had to FLOAT to get to the Superdome to find some help!!! Can you imagine?! I could hardly believe it. We also heard from our job supervisor that during the hurricane, some convicts from the local jail were taken outside onto the bridge. But they were handcuffed so they couldn't get away. Sadly, they ended up drowning because they couldn't swim with their hands behind their back! I felt so bad that this sort of thing happend only 3 1/2 years ago, and we are still cleaning up after stories like that! It's truly amazing. God has been good to us this week, so far, and he has yet to give up on us. Again, we appreciate all of the prayers that are coming our way. Please pray that we would have the courage to talk to people tomorrow, inviting them to our block party tomorrow night. It's been really dificult , but God is helping us to have that courage, little by little. Thank you for everything that you are doing for us! God bless you!

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